Thursday, September 20, 2007

Donde Esta Mary? (And Exactly How do You Get Accents on an English Keyboard if You Don't Mind my Asking)

Lately it has come to my attention that in order to find a library job I need to participate in some kind of Continuing Education program in order to demonstrate that while I've been out of the work force I have been doing something. (As if watching a hyperactive three year old and his equally active five year old sister isn't doing something) One thing I've been doing in my "spare time" is trying to learn Spanish as many public library systems here in Northern Indiana need Spanish speakers. Lately I've been working on my Spanish not just strictly in my spare time leaving not so very much time for other things like writing my blog. Right now my daughter is in school but my son is looking at me forlornly holding an open bottle of water. It looks like its time for some continuing education in toddler developmental psychology. Buenas Dias!

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